Product Details
We can also produce a whole kit of tools for customers' surgical cases. LZQ's surgical instruments are the synthesis of quality and innovation, are designed to make implant insertion convenient and efficient. Instruments are precision machined from the finest materials available and are compatible with most dental implant systems. Our commitment and long term strategy is to do our best and always to improve our implants and prosthetic components but in the same time to do as less as possible modifications on the surgical set in order to stay as it is: user friendly and simple working environment for our "old" users and easy to accept and adopt to new users.
3D offers an excellent means of transferring the exact implant position to the edentulous area. The software is used to eliminate errors arising from manual insertion, and to coordinate the pre-surgical prosthetic planning.Precise evaluation of the bone volume and optimal determination of the prosthetic axis offer a high degree of security and predictability.