LZQ TOOL CO., LTD. +86-021-50327060
LZQ TOOL CO., LTD. zq@lzqtech.com
LZQ Tools

Implant Transfer

Implant Transfer


Application domain: for  implantology
Material: Ultra high anti-rust & high-hardness stainless steel, titanium, titanium alloy, high anti-rust stainless steel
LZQ is an OEM factory for all kinds of dental implant tools, such as Abutment/Transfer P25, Dental Milling Bur/ Zirconia Bur P245, High Precision Fittings P76, ect. We can produce a whole kit of tools for customers' surgical cases.

Product Details

For the preparation of laboratory models. Impression Transfer (Impression copy). Hexagon Impression Transfer is made of stainless steel and available for Closed tray - round edges and short screw. Open tray - sharp edges and long screw. The function of an implant level impression is to exactly transfer to a laboratory model the position of the implant in relation to natural teeth or other implants as well as the soft tissue contours. An Implant Level impression can be takes at different stages during treatment and is dependent on Physician /operator preferences. At time of primary surgery – for one stage techniques, or to enable the delivery of a provisional crown at second stage surgery or at the second stage surgery.

Implant-level open-tray, pick-up impression technique:
Designed to position the transfer implant's as well soft tissue profile and hex location, position, Direct Transfers are held firmly within the open-tray impression as it is removed from the mouth. Therefore, the central transfer screw should remove before the impression can be released out from the mouth. This transfer procedure requires a custom tray or modified stock tray with screw access holes in the areas occlusal to the implants.

Not all products shown or described in this literature are available in all countries. LZQ continually strives to improve its products and therefore reserves the right to improve, modify, change specifications or discontinue products at any time. Any images depicted in this literature are not to scale, nor are all products depicted.

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