LZQ TOOL CO., LTD. +86-021-50327060
LZQ TOOL CO., LTD. zq@lzqtech.com
LZQ Tools

Tap Manual


Application domain: for Medical
Material: Super-high rust-resistant high-hardness stainless steel,ceramics, generally stainless steel
LZQ is an OEM factory for all kinds of dental implant tap, such as: Abutment/Transfer P25, Parallel Pin P37, Wrench P53, Screwdriver P79, Tap P152, Bone Fetcher P165, Lance Drill P172, etc. We can also produce a whole kit of tools for customers' surgical cases.

Product Details

We use the material of stainless steel. The cutting edge can be produced with different materials (ceramic, superhigh anti-rust and high wear resistant stainless steel (AA), Ti, Ti alloy, generally anti-rust and high wear resistant stainless steel (A) ... series)

Corresponding and matching drills and tools of different types, forms, shapes, structures can be high precisely ground to mold according to different brands and different types of implants forms, shapes, structures, etc. They can be high precisely and high hard ground to mold with materials such as ceramic, superhigh anti-rust and high wear resistant stainless steel (AA), Ti, Ti alloy, etc

With or without penetration, hollow & hollow core inner hole process with different grades. During preliminary development of implant retained teeth, all crowns were attached to the enamel with screws, but more latest developments have allowed placement of crowns on the abutments with dental cement (akin to setting a crown on a tooth). This has created the achievable for cement, that escapes from under the crown all through cementation to get caught in the gingival and create a peri-implantitis (see photograph below). While the complication can occur, there does not appear to be any extra peri-implantitis in cement-retained crowns compared to screw-retained crowns overall.

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