Product Details
suitable for all of the P1 and P7 diameters.
Impression transfer is appropriate for all of the P1 and P7 diameters. Suitable for the open tray. Included special hand screw for closing.
No particle shedding or flaking
For esthetic result use appropriate Healing caps type, selected height a function of the thickness of the gums. Select the emergence profile that best suits the site being restored.
Implant analog is suitable for all of the P1 and P7 diameters. The analog is suitable to permit training of lab models.
We would like the opportunity to provide you with your precision attachment, implant, and prosthetic forte needs.
Non-Hex Abutment
1. The use of non hex Abutment is for connecting two implants or more by using a permanent rod. The threaded type abutment has neither screw nor hex Can be use in permanent and final restoration.
2. Use the Hand Driver-tighten with the 1.25mm- 050” Hex Driver.
3. Made of Titanium Grade 5
The anatomic anti-rotation abutment follows the structure of the gum line for cemented reconstruction.
Drill stopper / Loading Twist Drill / Cortical Bone Profile Drills
Final sinus drill / Precision drill
External Hex Driver / Thomas spanner Key
Impression transfer for flat connection abutment
Screw for Open Transfer / Mini technician screw